Help And Support

ATMs - Cash OCBC Cheques via New ATM

Frequently asked questions
  • What is the Cash OCBC Cheque service that is newly implemented in the new ATMs?

    You can now cash OCBC cheques at our new ATMs instantly, applicable for OCBC Personal or Corporate cash cheques.

  • Can I cash Cashier Orders issued by OCBC, CPF Board Support Scheme?

    These cheques currently cannot be encashed via the new ATMs.  You may proceed to the teller counter or bank it into an account.

  • What cards are accepted?

    An OCBC Personal or Corporate ATM card, Business Debit card, OCBC credit or debit card are accepted.

  • Are there any fees incurred to cash OCBC Cheques via the new ATM?

    This service is free of charge. If the cheque is returned due to insufficient funds, the cheque return fee will be waived for now until further notice.

  • What is the maximum amount that I can encash?

    You may cash up to S$10,000 for each cheque.

  • Am I able to receive notes and coins from the cash cheque via any new ATM?

    Yes, you will receive notes of your preferred denomination and coins rounded up to the nearest cents.