OCBC Accident & Health Insurance Plans | Comprehensive Coverage

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Health insurance
GREAT CareShield

Boosts your CareShield Life long-term care disability coverage.

  • Monthly payouts start upon inability to perform any Activity of Daily Living and last for up to your lifetime
  • Use up to S$600 from your MediSave to pay for this policy
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GREAT Cancer Care

100% payout for all cancer stages.

  • Up to S$150,000 coverage
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GREAT Hospital Care

Standalone hospitalisation plan that gives you cash benefits.

  • Daily Cash Benefit of up to S$300 – regardless of why you are hospitalised
  • Annual policy limit of up to S$225,000
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No endownment plan for this option

Try a different goal or time period.

Personal Accident Insurance
Great PA
  • Up to S$500,000 accidental death and total permanent disablement benefit
  • Up to S$300 daily hospital cash
  • No Claim Discount of 10% on next renewal
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No endownment plan for this option

Try a different goal or time period.

Important notices

This is for general information and does not take into account your particular investment and protection aims, financial situation or needs. You should seek advice from a financial adviser before committing to a purchase. Otherwise, you should consider the suitability of the product.

Insurance policies are underwritten by the relevant entity in Great Eastern and are not bank deposits or obligations of, or guaranteed by OCBC Bank. Protected up to specified limits by SDIC. 

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.