3 Basic Pillars of Creating a Digital Marketing Campaign
3 Basic Pillars of Creating a Digital Marketing Campaign
Your customers are online. With 4.92 million internet users out of 5.83 million people, Singapore has one of the highest internet penetration rates globally, at 84 per cent. The takeaway: If you’re not investing in creating digital marketing campaigns, you’re doing your business a disservice.
But knowing where to start can be confusing — use these three pillars to guide you to create a successful digital marketing campaign.
#1 Have a marketing goal
What do you want to achieve with this campaign? Remember, the internet is just a medium for communication — you must still set clear objectives. Is the purpose of the campaign to drive sales or engage with your customers to create brand awareness? The two are interrelated but are very different goals.
As Stephen Covey says in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Begin with the end in mind.
#2 Understand your customers’ needs
The words 'systematic employee tracking' can seem a bit ominous, but it's nothing of the sort. Given how important your employees are to your business, it only makes sense to track metrics about them. For example, staff on annual leave, number of employees across different levels, or even employee satisfaction.
The customer must be the foundation of your campaign — what do they want from your business? Put yourself out there and actively engage with them: Communicate with them through social media, listen to their complaints and ask for honest feedback.
Once armed with this information, you will have what you need to create a marketing message that will resonate with your customers.
#3 Know where your customers are
Where do they consume content? The internet is vast, and your best customers will likely be more receptive to your offers on certain platforms over others. Whatever the platform, you must find the intersection between where they are and where your business’ offers can be best presented.
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