Seeding Change
Helping to mitigate climate change through projects that focus on carbon sequestration.
All our forestation efforts across the region will help to absorb more than 111 million kg of CO2 in our fight against climate change.

Trees planted under the Habitat Enhancement Programme at Singapore’s Coney Island absorb 144,700kg of CO2

OCBC Arboretum at Singapore Botanic Gardens supports the conservation of 2,000 Dipterocarp trees that absorb 80 million kg of CO2

OCBC Mangrove Park at Pulau Ubin, Singapore and a mangrove project in Tebuk Mendeleng, Malaysia involve planting of 18,000 mangrove trees that absorb more than 30 million kg of CO2

To date, a total of 105 taxodium distichum trees have been planted in Dongtan Wetland Park, Chongming Island, China. These trees will be able to absorb more than 11,000 kg of CO2