Executive Committee
Dr Lee Tih Shih, Chairman
Mr Andrew Lee
Dr Andrew Khoo
From left to right:
Ms Tan Yen Yen, Mr Seck Wai Kwong, Mr Chua Kim Chiu, Ms Helen Wong, Mr Andrew Lee,
Dr Lee Tih Shih, Dr Andrew Khoo, Mr Pramukti Surjaudaja, Ms Christina Ong and Ms Chong Chuan Neo
The OCBC Board is fully committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance. It ensures that OCBC is managed in the best interests of the Bank as a whole while taking into account the interests of shareholders, customers and other stakeholders.
Various Board Committees have been established to assist the Board in discharging its duties more effectively with clearly defined terms of reference.
Dr Lee Tih Shih, Chairman
Mr Andrew Lee
Dr Andrew Khoo
Dr Andrew Khoo, Chairman
Mr Andrew Lee
Ms Christina Ong
Mr Pramukti Surjaudaja
Ms Tan Yen Yen
Ms Christina Ong, Chairman
Mr Andrew Lee
Dr Andrew Khoo
Mr Pramukti Surjaudaja
Mr Chua Kim Chiu, Chairman
Ms Chong Chuan Neo
Mr Seck Wai Kwong
Ms Tan Yen Yen
Mr Andrew Lee, Chairman
Mr Chua Kim Chiu
Mr Seck Wai Kwong
Ms Tan Yen Yen
Ms Helen Wong
Ms Christina Ong, Chairman
Mr Andrew Lee
Ms Chong Chuan Neo
Ms Chong Chuan Neo, Chairman
Mr Andrew Lee
Ms Helen Wong