Seeing the light through MentorMe
Seeing the light through MentorMe
Donna shares how she stepped out of a dark period and into the light with a bright future ahead for her.
Donna Teo, 43, is a Data Analyst in the COO divisional office specialising in data analytics and campaigns for the Global Consumer Financial Services (GCFS) division. She has been with the Bank for eight years.
The dark days
It was a dark time for me when Covid-19 struck us in 2020. My two young children were home-schooling while I worked from home. We were cut off from our usual social group and two of my family members went through major health scares.
I had thought of joining the MentorMe programme for some time, but I held off. Despite all that was happening, I imagined that having a formal mentor would be far too intimidating. Although deep down inside, I was yearning for change. I needed a helping hand. I needed to be part of a community within the Bank while I went through “stuff” at home. I wanted to be more deliberate about my future and to open my eyes to a world of possibilities.
Taking the first step out of the dark
I finally took the plunge because while the idea of change frightened me, I realised that my genuine fear was that I thought I had to journey alone. MentorMe is an initiative that aims to empower early to mid-career women through honest and meaningful relationships with experienced mentors.
My mentor, Jasmine, was the sounding board I needed. She allowed me to tap into her experiences and wealth of knowledge and helped shorten my learning curve. She didn’t hold back either, giving me constructive criticism and helping me see things within myself that I had been blind to.
Skateboarding into the light
Jasmine constantly reached out to me through messages and coffee sessions. She allowed me into her network and her life. Over the course of our MentorMe relationship, I started to learn again. I felt alive! I went back to my first love, photography—specifically toy photography. I even learned to skateboard. Through honest conversations, I realised I was comfortable in my role, but deep down, I wanted to try new things. We spoke about my passions when I first started working and how I could achieve them by enhancing my competencies.
Besides Jasmine, I made new friends through the MentorMe programme who became the social support I needed. Jasmine grew to become more than a work mentor. I now see her as my sister-mentor. Through our relationship, I gained so much confidence and became open to things around me.

Donna (right) with her mentor, Jasmine (centre).
Thriving in the light
While I was still in the MentorMe programme, I discovered an opening for a role as a data analyst at Group Customer Analytics and Decisioning (GCAD). It excited me as I was familiar with the business of digital business and e-commerce. The job required the competencies that I had as a web programmer. It was a happy coincidence. I made the leap to GCAD and am now specialising in analytics supporting GCFS. I love the fantastic and dynamic team I’m with now.
The one thing that stuck in my journey of change is that learning is a treasure that follows the person who owns it. I’ve embarked on a new phase in my personal and professional life. And I know it is but a series of many more changes to come!