OCBC VOYAGE Credit Card | Discover Rewards | OCBC Singapore

Your dedicated concierge for exclusive privileges and services.

redemption of your miles

Earn Additional Miles

Earn additional miles and convert to your Airline or Hotel loyalty program with 150,000 Miles for S$3,270 and 500,000 Miles for S$10,200. SMS 72377 with: VOYAGE3k or VOYAGE10k Last 8 digits of your Card no. (E.g. VOYAGE10k 12345678).

By sending the SMS, you agree to the Terms and conditions governing the VOYAGE Card Annual Service Fee option.

Complimentary Airport Lounge Access

With your VOYAGE Card, you can enjoy unlimited complimentary visits to over 1,300 DragonPass lounges located in airports worldwide. Supplementary cardmembers also receive 2 complimentary access passes. Gain access to convenient amenities such as recharging stations, food and beverage options, Wi-Fi, shower rooms, and hassle-free baggage handling.

Complimentary Transfer Service

Earn two rides when you spend S$12,000 per quarter in local or foreign currency, capped at two rides per quarter.

Book your limo ride through your OCBC Digital App. After logging into OCBC Digital App, select Rewards and STACK points to book a limo today. See how it works.

Maximise your rewards with CardUp

Earn miles when you pay for bills that do not offer rewards such as income taxes, insurance, school fees, car loans, and more. Receive up to 1.6 VOYAGE Miles (1.3 for OCBC VOYAGE) with every S$1 you spend on your VOYAGE Card. All these, for an admin fee as low as 1.5%.

VOYAGE Exchange

Your one-stop personal concierge service. Call +65 6593 9999 or send an email.

Maximise your VOYAGE Miles

Earn a cash rebate of up to 2.3% or 2.3 miles – you will not find a better rewards system elsewhere.

VOYAGE Supplementary card

A gift for your loved ones

Let those in your life enjoy the benefits of the VOYAGE Card with a Supplementary Card. To apply, just download, complete and email us the form with the relevant documents.

Apply now:

Can VOYAGE Miles be converted to any frequent flyer miles with other airlines?

VOYAGE Miles can be converted to KrisFlyer Miles. However, you can use VOYAGE Miles to redeem for flights on any airlines directly without converting. To redeem directly for flights on any airlines, do it through TravelwithOCBC.com or please contact VOYAGE Exchange (+65 6593 9999 or voyage@voyagemiles.com).

I have existing KrisFlyer Miles. Can I combine VOYAGE Miles and KrisFlyer Miles to redeem for air-tickets with VOYAGE Exchange?

KrisFlyer Miles and VOYAGE Miles are separate miles and cannot be combined to redeem for air tickets. However, you can convert your VOYAGE Miles to KrisFlyer miles at a rate of 1:1 and redeem for tickets with Singapore Airlines. The conversion of VOYAGE Miles to KrisFlyer miles is subjected to wait time of 10-15 working days.

Can I redeem VOYAGE Miles for domestic flights and hotel bookings?

Yes, VOYAGE Miles can be used for to redeem for flights on any airline or hotels with VOYAGE Exchange or via TravelwithOCBC.com.

What are the transactions that have been excluded from awarding VOYAGE Miles?

You may refer to the VOYAGE Terms and Conditions for the full list of excluded MCCs and merchant transactions.

How can I earn my limo rides?

2 limo rides are awarded when you hit S$12,000 eligible spend in a quarter.

Capped at 2 limo rides per quarter.

A calendar quarter refers to January to March, April to June, July to September and October to December.

Do limo rides have a validity?

Yes, limo rides are valid for 3 months from the month you earn the limo entitlements.

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