Your cash/deposits and loans/credit cards are now clearly segregated for easier understanding.
Enjoy a better overview of all your investments in one report.
You can now view your Blue Chip Investment Plan (BCIP) balance.
You can now view your CPF Investment Account and SRS holdings and balances as part of your monthly summary.
Investments will be categorised by their underlying holdings. For example, a Unit Trust/Mutual Fund with primary exposure to the equity market or an Equity-linked Structured Investment will be classified as Equities, while investments with primary exposure to government or corporate bonds will be classified as Fixed Income.
Investment assets will be based on indicative market values provided on a best-effort basis. Values in this report are calculated using unrounded numbers (including but not limited to FX rate, quantity, amount, price) in our systems. As the values are rounded when we present the data in this report, this may result in rounding differences.
NAV is defined as assets minus liabilities, calculated based on the indicative market values of assets held, in the reference currency of your portfolio, less your portfolio liabilities that includes revolving term loans and/or overdrafts drawn.
Net Asset Value (NAV) is defined as Assets minus Liabilities. NAV is determined by the indicative market values of assets held, in the reference currency of your portfolio, less of your portfolio liabilities that includes revolving term loans and/or overdrafts drawn.