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8 Things You Should Know About Health Screening

8 Things You Should Know About Health Screening

  • 1 October 2022
  • By Minmed
  • 10 mins read

“Health screening is one of the most important things you can do for your health.”

1. What is health screening?
Health screening involves the use of tests, physical examinations and/ or procedures to detect conditions in people who look or feel healthy.

It aims to help one understand their current health condition and through that, allows for early detection of potential diseases or medical conditions that one might not have symptoms and might not be aware of.

2. Why is it important to do health screening?
With an increasingly sedentary lifestyle (poor diet, lack of exercise, etc), the prevalence of chronic conditions is rising, even in young adults.

Many chronic conditions may present with no symptoms and go untreated. With health screening, we can detect diseases such as diabetes and begin management earlier. Consult your GP after a health screening to review your results.

3. Who should do health screening?
Individuals aged 18yrs and above should be screened for obesity and high blood pressure. Annual screening for high cholesterol and diabetes is recommended for persons 40 yrs and above.

4. How often should you do health screening?
Once a year or once in two to three years.

5. Which kind of screening test should I take? Basic or Comprehensive?
It is recommended to take basic screening tests such as BMI, Blood Pressure, HbA1c, Cholesterol profile, fecal immunochemical test, colonoscopy, pap test, HPV test, mammogram etc. However, if you have certain risk factors based on your family medical history background or recent adverse health conditions, you may need a more comprehensive screening.

Note: Not all tests are necessary, seek advice from your health service provider for more information that is relevant to your health condition.

6. How should I prepare for health screening?

  • Bring past medical reports (if any) and identification documents for registration.
  • Fast for 8 hours before your health screening. You can drink plain water during your fast.
  • Omit diabetic medication until after breakfast and consume your regular chronic medications (if any)
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes (2-piece outfit for mammogram and PAP smear) for your health screening
  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep will affect your blood pressure.
  • Do not drink alcohol or caffeinated drinks 24 hours before check-up.

7. What should I do after health screening?
Your results will only be complete with a doctor’s review. It is recommended for you to have your doctor review your test results with you.

If your results are normal, you should continue to go for regular screening tests at the recommended frequency by your doctor. This is because a health screening can only pick up conditions that are present at the time the tests are done. Any conditions that may develop after the previous screening can then be detected by regular screening.

If your results are abnormal, you should see your doctor immediately. Do remember to also include appropriate healthy lifestyle changes in your diet, and exercise, and include medications if necessary to improve your health. Keep your body in tip-top condition by going for regular health screenings as your doctor recommends.

8. Where can I go for health screening?
There are different modes of health screening available with Minmed Group.

There are many conditions without symptoms while in early stages, hence it can be only identified with regular health screening.

If you haven't done your regular health screening, plan your health screening with Minmed Group today!